Sparring Class
Starting Friday, May 29
From 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Course will consist of 6 Session
General Information
- Self Defense: This class is intended to teach sparing techniques, and
the application of techniques learned in regular class against an opponent.
- There are no age or rank restrictions. All are regular students are welcome.
The class is being taught by Mr. Fried. Please sign up prior to the first
- Safety will be #1 Priority
- All students must wear protective gear, including gloves, foot
protection and mouthpiece.
Men must wear cups. Optional: shin guards (recommended), head gear, chest pad
- Arrive early to change and warm up
- 15 minutes stretching and warm-up (sparring oriented, not the standard warm-ups)
- 15 minutes Quick hand blows and kick drills with opponent
- Review of stance, defensive techniques, and the theory of combinations
- Quick Reaction training - One step round robin
- Round Robin Sparing : Hand Blows only
- Round Robin Sparing : Kicks only
- Alternating Offence/Defense training
- Block / Counterstrike Hand Blow an Kick combinations
- Conventional Round Robin
- One on One Sparring
- Point Sparring with Judging
- Special Addition:
- Lesson #1 & 5: Videotaping of students for personal self
improvement & comparison