Training Description





[ Registration | Instructors | Classes | Advancing | Testing ]

Hapkido techniques are all taught with an emphasis on actual combat situations. The student is trained to depend upon his reflexes, rather than a set, forced response.

A beginning student's physical condition or ability has no bearing on the study of Hapkido. One starts gradually and the technique becomes strenuous as one's condition improves. This makes the art an ideal total body conditioner.

Once a student is proficient with the basics skills, options are available to learn new techniques which match the student's capability to learn and demonstrate proper execution. There is a strong emphasis on form as well as understanding of the reasons behind the techniques. Students are give opportunities to apply their techniques in light contact sparring where they work with other students of higher and lower levels under the direct supervision of the certified instructors.


Student registration is based on the Torrance Unified School District semester calendar. Enrollment occurs quarterly (January, April, July, October), with tests taking place at the end of the quarter. Higher belts require more time to learn before testing (for example, training for multiple quarters).

The Instructors

Grand Master Kwon is a 10th degree black belt in Hapkido and is internationally recognized.  Techniques are taught to each student by Master Kwon's senior black belts (5th Dan and above).  The classes are lead by the school's Black Belt instructorsAll school instructors have been tested and certified by Grand Master Kwon.

Classes and Individual Instructions

Classes are scheduled for 60 minutes. The first part of the class begins with a series of exercises to build strength and flexibility, followed by group practice covering the basic punching kicking, falling and rolling techniques. Students are then paired with other students of similar level to practice their individual techniques. The senior black belts instructors will then review and instruct each student individually. Students learn at least one new technique in each class. Classes end with either more group practice or light contact sparring. Introductory JukDo (Bamboo Sword) and JangBong (Long Staff) training is offered during some classes.

Advancing to the Next Belt

Gups are the different skill levels of the students. Starting with white belt (11th gup), progressing through ten levels which culminate with red belt second stripe (1st gup), and then achieving the distinction of black belt (first dan). These different levels allow the student to have specific skills to learn and reinforce all of the previous techniques. Once a student has achieved black belt, there are ten additional degrees of skill levels.

As students complete the requirements for each belt level, they must appear before Master Kwon and a panel of judges to test their readiness to advance to the next level. To many young students, this experience is one of the first times they have needed to work hard to reach a goal. Tremendous pride comes each time they earn their next belt.

Testing Requirements

Students are required to be able to properly demonstrate all belt techniques to their instructor prior to the test. They are also required to know all skills associated with belts preceding the one being tested for. Students must sign up two weeks prior to the test.

During the test students will be asked to demonstrate a selected subset of the required techniques and to be able to answer to the satisfaction of the judges questions relating to the art of Hapkido as they have been taught. They may also be asked to demonstrate their sparring skills or special weapons techniques.

If a mistake is made during the test, the student can ask for another chance to correctly perform the technique. If the student is unable to remember or properly demonstrate the techniques during the test, the student will have to return for another test after additional practice and instruction.